16 Quotes & Sayings By Alan King

Alan King is a bestselling author, motivational speaker and the leading authority on the art of making a living. He is a former radio personality and business professor who holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, a BA from the University of Michigan, and a certificate from the Stanford Executive Program. For more than 30 years, Alan has been a highly sought-after keynote speaker who has spoken to audiences throughout the world.

If you want to read about love and marriage you've got to buy two separate books. Alan King
We get the worrywart, the hypochondriac, the money-grubbing miser, the intractable negotiator... Some would say certain of these refer to the stereotypical, or 'stage' Jew. But objectively speaking, the only crime in humor is an unfunny joke. Alan King
If you stop and think about it, nearly all great humor is at the expense of someone or something. Alan King
And humor has always been a weapon. You want to get even on somebody? You want to attack somebody? Make fun of them. Alan King
There's a charm, there's a rhythm, there's a soul to Jewish humor. When I first saw Richard Pryor perform, I told him, 'You're doing a Jewish act.' Alan King
My father was a dreamer - my hero. He was a smart, tough guy from Poland, a cutter of lady's handbags, an old socialist-unionist who always considered himself a failure. His big line was: 'Don't end up like me.' Alan King
When I was in the hospital they gave me apple juice every morning, even after I told them I didn't like it. I had to get even. One morning, I poured the apple juice into the specimen tube. The nurse held it up and said, 'It's a little cloudy.' I took the tube from her and said, 'Let me run it through again, ' and drank it. The nurse fainted. Alan King
I learned to cook in self-defense. My wife doesn't know what a kitchen is. In the first month of our marriage, she broiled lamb chops 26 nights in a row. Then I took over. I used to mind her not caring about food, but no more - as long as I can eat what I want. Alan King
My wife is a very attractive woman, and she's always worried about her diet. But she doesn't pay attention to me, and I don't pay attention to her. She's a vegetarian, and it drives me crazy. Alan King
That's the great thing about New Year's, you get to be a year older. For me, that wasn't such a joke, because my birthday was always around this time. When I was a kid, my father used to tell me that everybody was celebrating my birthday. That's what the trees are all about. Alan King
Marriage is nature's way of keeping us from fighting with strangers. Alan King
If you want to read about love and marriage, you've got to buy two separate books. Alan King
Banks have a new image. Now you have 'a friend, ' your friendly banker. If the banks are so friendly, how come they chain down the pens? Alan King
My mother's sister was killed in a trolley car accident, so I was raised as one of eight with my sister and six male cousins. Alan King
Comedy is a reflection. We create nothing. We set no styles, no standards. We're reflections. It's a distorted mirror in the fun house. We watch society. As society behaves, then we have the ability to make fun of it. Alan King